What Are the Benefits of Root Canals?

Brown woman against a blue wall in a yellow tank top smiles and points to her teeth after root canal therapy in Arvada, CO

While root canals have a bad reputation for being scary and painful, they can be a great alternative to dental extractions for restoring a tooth that has developed an infection. If a tooth has undergone too much damage for a filling but not enough for the tooth to be removed completely, root canal treatments are commonly recommended to preserve a patient’s tooth structure.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canals involve creating a small hole in the top of the tooth. Then, the infected tissue inside the tooth is carefully removed. After the inside of the tooth is cleaned and sealed, a durable dental restoration, like a custom dental crown, is placed over the tooth to restore its appearance and protect it from further damage.

The Benefits of Root Canals

One of the greatest benefits of root canal therapy is that it allows patients to keep their natural teeth, even when they have been affected by tooth decay and dental trauma. Root canal therapy has additional benefits too! For example, root canal therapy:

  • Helps fortifies a tooth against future cavities, infections, and damage
  • Completely restores the structure of a tooth
  • Relieves pain and swelling in and around a tooth
  • Is more cost-effective than replacing an extracted tooth
  • Does not require food restrictions or special dental care

Gentle Root Canal Therapy in Arvada, CO

Think you may need a root canal or another restorative treatment? Persistent tooth pain, sudden tooth sensitivity, swelling, loose teeth, and changes in tooth or gum color are all signs that can indicate a root canal treatment may be necessary.

Time is of the essence when it comes to restoring a tooth through root canal therapy! Schedule a visit with our Arvada team at Art of Endodontics as soon as you can. We would be happy to assess the situation and provide you with prompt and effective restorative dental care.

Please contact us today!

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